Meta tags provide information about your Web page to search engine robots so that the search engine can better understand what your site is about. Meta tags provide this information in a format that the web crawlers/spiders that visit your site can understand.
Metatag code is inserted into your html code at the head of the document between the and . Meta tags are used by many search engines
Benefits of Meta Tags:
- For pages that have moved
- Opening sequences
- Improve search engine results.
Meta Tag Format:
Metatags and their Uses:
Title :
The title of the web page is perhaps the most important of all meta tags.
Keywords should be separated by commas,with the more important words listed first. Note:Inktomi(acquired by Yahoo!) was said to be the only major search engine that using the keywords meta tage to index sites.
The page description should be less than 200 words.
Author:This represents the name of the person who authored the page
This sets the frequency of a spider's return.
This field must contain a URL that refers the page to another link in a specified number of seconds.
Robots:Web spiders can be restricted using the following Robot meta tags:
- All - Robots may traverse and index the page
- No Index - Robots may traverse but not index the page.
- No Follor - Robots may index the page but not follow it.
- None - Robots may neither index nor traverse the page
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