
Thursday, August 9, 2012

10 Tactics for More Traffic Getting Tweets

1. Keep it Short and Simple – Although Twitter allows you 140 characters per post, studies have shown that smaller posts are more effective.
2. Use Hashtags Carefully – Using hashtags will help categorize your tweets to help them show up in searches. This will allow your tweet to work much more efficiently.
3. Maximum Punch for More Clicks –They must have punch to get people to notice and then click your link. Use the most powerful words that will pull readers in.
4. Don’t Always Be Selling – Social networking is for making connections and building relationships, not just selling. If all you do is try to sell your products through your tweets, you will not get much response.
5. Tweet When the Time is Right - Tweriod is a free Twitter tool that can give you a detailed report of the best time of days and what days you should tweet for maximum results.
6. Where to Place Your Link – A detail as small as where you place your link within your tweet can make a difference on the impact the tweet makes.
7. Twitter Specials – Offer your followers something they can only get on Twitter. People like to feel appreciated and offering them an exclusive deal can sometimes do the trick.
8. Be Consistent - Just as with your blog, you need to provide fresh content for your readers. Don’t just tweet once and not come back for weeks. This will not help build trust or reliability. Update your account on a regular schedule and be consistent.
9. Add Personality – The purpose of social networking is to get to know people, make connections and build relationships so you need to let people know you by allowing your personalityto show through in your tweets. Get to know your followers and post information they will be interested in. Add some appropriate fun and humor along with helpful resources and pertinent information. Be helpful, positive, professional, fun and appreciative!
10. As Always, Use Proper Grammar and Spelling – Use correctly spelled, complete words when tweeting for your business. Do not use ‘u’ for ‘you’ or ‘ur’ for ‘your’ or ‘you’re.’ Be sure to use proper grammar as well. Always write professionally and correctly.

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