
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How to Increase Engagement and Get More “Good” Links

The more people in your community that are actively commenting on your content, the more likely they are to link to it. There has been a lot of concern about content linking, and whether it is good or not, but if it is done correctly, there is no question that it is beneficial. So, the more active your community, the better audience you build, and all of this stems from good engagement.

Encourage Blog Comments

When you take the time to write good content, you want some feedback, right? Well, the truth is, most people who read an article never leave a comment, and the main reason is that you did not ask. When you write something, encourage a blog comment by asking for the reader’s feedback. Ask questions like, What do you think?, Do you agree? Did I miss something? All of these questions encourage interaction, and that is what you are after, so do not wait for them to respond, ask them to!

Set up your blog page to allow any comments made on the page to go to your social media pages as well. This helps keep content flowing through your social networks, and helps encourage more engagement from your community.If no one is responding to your content, even with your requests, you may need to take it a step further. You can send out emails to everyone on your mailing list, post a tweet, or post a status update with a question linked to the content. Make sure you take it easy on this method though, every time you write something there is no need to spam everyone on your list, otherwise you will just be deleted, and that is not the type of engagement you are looking for.

Use Surveys

You are not going to get any links through a survey, but it does help built community interaction. By creating a quick survey for your community, you can let them know you care about what they have to say, and learn more about what they are interested in. Use the survey as a marketing tool, knowing what they want to talk about, what they care about, and how they like to engage with the content is the key to writing good engaging content.

Use Feedback Questions

In addition to asking for a comment on content you create, ask for feedback. Asking the reader’s opinion is a great way to encourage engagement. Ask what you could have done better, if they know of a way to handle the situation at hand better, or just simple ask if they liked what they just read.

Positive feedback is great, but you learn more from your negative feedback. Feedback is a great tool to use for email campaigns. If you have several people opting out of your newsletter, knowing why would be very beneficial, right? So, you may want to add a quick feedback app to your unsubscribe button, so when they leave, they are asked why. If you see that 100 people unsubscribed due to the overwhelming amount of email they were receiving, you know to tone it down. Without that feedback, you would never know that you were driving your subscribers crazy, and you may actually start sending out more emails in fear of losing more….and that would certainly make sure you did.

The main goal for any feedback you receive is to learn from it. You may not necessarily want negative feedback in your comments section, but you do want it, so have a separate section where users can enter their answers in a private format that only you see.
Create Relevant Inbound Links

This topic has had some heated attention lately, and many web site owners have been leery of having their content linked on other sites, but there is no need to stress, as long as you do it right. Make sure you create content that is relevant to the site it is linked on, NEVER link your content to a site just because you can, have a good reason to place it there. You want your inbound links to bring you traffic, so the ones you create on your own, be very, very meticulous where they go.

Use Internal Links 

Using internal links throughout your site helps keep users engaged, and keeps them on your site. A well-organized web site that offers related content and relevant topics for the reader after each article is more likely to keep a reader on their page than one that does not use internal linking. Make sure you actually link to related and relevant content though, just having random links to your other pages can cause confusion, appear unorganized and sloppy, and lose the traffic you worked so hard to gain.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

4 Changes Google Is Making And How They Affect Content Creation

SEO experts and webmasters spend a lot of time worrying about Google algorithm changes. In 2013, the search engine giant tweaked the algorithm 15 times, and in 2012, it was updated 37 times.

Worrying about algorithm updates may make sense for SEO experts and webmasters, but content creators don’t have time to keep up with that. Here are some major changes Google has made and how they apply to content:

Move to Secure Organic Searches:
This means that you can no longer mine Google Analytics for keyword data, leaving website owners in the dark about what word searches were used to find or stumble upon their site. Remember when that “Not Provided” section first appeared? This percentage of search data has been growing since 2010, and on September 23, 2013, Google finally shut off all information.

This is a blow to those still focused on keyword bombing and density rates; however, those who create quality, creative, and helpful content should see this as reaffirming. Google is giving those trying to game the system less firing power. Instead of focusing on keywords, pay attention to user actions on your site.

A Nonexistent Update to PageRank:
PageRank is a ranking of how many links your site has pointing back to it. Links essentially work as votes, raising your credibility and showcasing your site as high-quality. The problem? Google hasn’t updated the PageRank meter since early 2013, and there isn’t a clear idea of when — or even if — it will be fixed.

If you’re still focused on getting links from sites with a high PageRank, you can stop — immediately. While there might still be some value, the main idea is that Google doesn’t want to emphasize page ranking. Instead, you should be focused on driving traffic, converting visitors, and becoming an authority within your own niche.

The Hummingbird Conversation:
One of the more recent updates to the Google algorithm is Hummingbird, which was released in September 2013.

Google wants to understand conversations, concepts, and relationships. In voice searches, for example, you can ask, “Where is Miley Cyrus from?” After the answer is delivered, you can follow up with, “How old is she?”

Hummingbird is still evolving and doesn’t always work, but Google is putting serious effort into making search more conversational and less keyword-focused.

Google Authorship for Ranking:
It’s still not very apparent how Google Authorship — or the still unconfirmed Author Rank — will affect searches. Experts predict that Google will use your author profile to determine your credibility, expertise, and authority on a subject in order to determine the quality (and therefore ranking) of your content.

In his recent book, “The New Digital Age,” Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt wrote, “Within search results, information tied to verified online profiles will be ranked higher than content without such verification, which will result in most users naturally clicking on the top (verified) results. The true cost of remaining anonymous, then, might be irrelevance.”

Google could also use your social profile to gauge how many shares an article has, your individual following, and the authority of the site you’re publishing on. If you’re consistently publishing quality content on authority sites that relate to your niche, Google may rank your article higher than articles not associated with an author.

Google Algorithm and Content Creators:
Ultimately, the key to Google’s algorithm changes lies in its guidelines for content creation:

Content is key. Good content — clear, concise, informative — is better than bad content.

Use plain English. Write for real people.

Keep links to a reasonable number. Make your content readable.

Really, it all goes back to one idea: Create quality content, and you won’t have to worry about it riding the Google update rollercoaster.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Google Dispels Top 10 “Myths” Associated With Google Glass

Google took to the Google+ page of Google Glass yesterday in an attempt to dispel the top 10 “myths” associated with the product. They claim Glass has seen several myths develop around it in its relatively short existence, and Google would like to clear the air.
The 10 myths are as follows:
Myth 1 – Glass is the ultimate distraction from the real world
Google’s explanation: Unlike a phone or tablet, Google says Glass allows users to better engage with the real world. It’s an enhancement to the real world, rather than a distraction.
Myth 2:  Glass is always on and recording everything
Google’s explanation: Glass is off by default and isn’t even capable of always-on recording. The battery won’t last more than 45 minutes before needing to be charged.
Myth 3 – Glass Explorers are technology-worshipping geeks
Google’s explanation: Glass users are made up of people from all walks of life who “see the potential for people to use technology in a way that helps them engage more with the world around them.”
Myth 4 – Glass is ready for prime time
Google’s explanation: Glass is a prototype, and early adopters  are playing a critical role in how it’s developed.
Myth 5: Glass does facial recognition (and other dodgy things)
Google’s explanation: Google says that’s not true, they have made the decision based on feedback not to release or even distribute facial recognition Glassware.
Myth 6: Glass covers your eye(s)
Google’s explanation: The Glass screen is deliberately above the right eye, not in front or over it. Google claims it was designed this way because they understand the importance of making eye contact.
Myth 7 – Glass is the perfect surveillance device
Google’s explanation:  Google says there are better and more discreet options out there for secretly recording people, if that’s what one wishes to do.
Myth 8 – Glass is only for those privileged enough to afford it
Google’s explanation: Google understands the $1500 price tag is out of the range of many people, but says the people who have it aren’t necessarily wealthy and entitled. Some people have either had it paid for through work, raised money to purchase one, or received one as a gift.
Myth 9 – Glass is banned… EVERYWHERE
Google’s explanation: Google says since Glass functionality mirrors the cell phones, it’s understandable that the same rules apply, such as bans where someone can record.

Myth 10 – Glass marks the end of privacy
Google’s explanation: Google says more cameras doesn’t necessarily equal less privacy. They suggest looking at YouTube to see examples of the kinds of footage being shared since cameras became so ubiquitous.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

8 Tips for a Solid Digital Marketing Strategy

1.Review History:

Try to look at both qualitative and quantitative data as much as possible as opposed to relying on your own personal feelings about a strategy; your favorite approach may not have been the one that connected with customers.

2.Define Goals:

This is the most important aspect of digital marketing: your strategy and goals must align with your business goals. As obvious as this may seem, it can be all too easy to get caught up in an exciting marketing plan that looks flashy but does little to actually grow your business.Use numbers, dates, percentages and monetary signs to map out the growth you want to see.

3.Understand your Audience:

Understand your demographics and whether you are largely marketing to a homogenous group or if your customers can be divided into several different homogenous groups. You can gather demographic information through surveys and tracking tools.

4.Plan your Content:

Start with brainstorming. See what the competition is up to. Don't reject anything at the stage of generating ideas. Some experts advise using an editorial calendar like journalists do in order to take advantage of important dates although it's best to plan your content only a few months ahead.

5.Consider your Channels:

You will deliver content differently and to different audiences depending on the platforms that you choose although most businesses will benefit from using a mix of digital media.Photographs, podcasts, videos and infographics are just a few ways to keep variety in your content. Don't forget tried and tested techniques like email newsletters as well.

6.Plan for Mobile:

Looking ahead, a strong mobile strategy is essential. Be sure your website is optimized for viewing on screens of different sizes. Consider whether you can develop any apps that will be helpful for your business. Explore opt-in SMS and text message marketing.

7.Set up a Google+ Business Account:

This has also become essential for businesses because it is so important to your search rankings. Even if you are not very active on the platform, post updates there so they will appear instantly in Google searches.

8.Measuring with Analytics:

Learn your way around Google analytics and other analytics tools that show you how you are doing relative to the goals that you have set. Set up a custom dashboard of metrics and KPI’s. Keep a close watch on results in connection with weekly and monthly goals and make adjustments accordingly.

Digital marketing brings unique challenges and opportunities to businesses. Effective planning is key. With an understanding of the audience and a consistent message, your digital marketing strategy can align with your company's goals

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

6 Google+ Tools to Improve Your Marketing

1.Take Advantage of the YouTube Integration:

If you have a YouTube channel but haven’t taken advantage of its relationship with Google+, you need to. Whether you’ve already established yourself on YouTube (or Google+), you’ll reach a wider audience when you use them in conjunction. Take advantage of the integration!

2. Increase Your Reach:

Webinars are a powerful tool for building email lists and a loyal audience. Unfortunately, webinar software can be clunky and expensive. Google+ has an easy alternative.Hangouts On Air provides a free video broadcasting service that lets you stream a live feed to your YouTube channel for recording, and of course is completely integrated with Google+.

3. Keep the Conversation Going:

With Google Drive, Google’s cloud-based file management and storage service, you can share an incredible amount of information with your Google+ audience, including presentation slideshows, PDFs and even password-protected documents.

4.Store Your Pictures:

How are you backing up the pictures from your phone? Did you know you can use Google+ to store your pictures for safekeeping? Google+ is a reliable way to store your pictures, and then delete them from your phone.Once uploaded, you can highlight the important pictures, enhance them so they look better or create image galleries—and easily share all of them.

5.Extend the Life of Your Content:

Google+ Embedded Posts is a cool feature that lets you share your Google+ posts on your blog.The benefits of embedded posts are twofold. First, post content created within Google+ is eventually lost within the news stream. Embedding that same post on your blog extends the life of the content.

6. Use Relevant Hashtags:

Just like Twitter and Instagram (and unlike Facebook), hashtags can have a notable impact on reaching a targeted audience on Google+. The Explore feature uses hashtags to help Google+ users quickly find and interact with topics they’re interested in.