
Friday, July 29, 2016

Verizon Buys Yahoo

Verizon Buys Yahoo!: In Position to Become Third Largest Ad Network

It’s official—Verizon announced that it will acquire Yahoo!’s core business for $4.83 billion.

This news comes just one year after Verizon purchased AOL for $4.4 billion, making it the second time Verizon has snatched up the remnants of a once-thriving Internet company.

Now, the telecommunications leader hopes to combine Yahoo! and AOL to form an online powerhouse.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Google Adwords - Imported Call Conversion

Google announced that advertisers can now import their call conversion data into AdWords starting today - well, it is rolling out over the next few weeks.Google explains "by importing call conversion information into AdWords, you can track when phone calls lead to sales or other valuable customer actions." True.
It requires Google forwarding numbers to work and if you have that then you are set.
(1) You set up a conversion action in AdWords that tracks when customer calls come from your ads, or from a customer who clicked your ad and then called from a number on your website.
(2) Separately, you keep track of your sales calls, recording details like the caller’s phone number and the time and length of the call, and when those calls lead to a sale (or whatever conversion action you want to track). You probably already track this information through a customer relationship management system (CRM).
(3) You upload a file containing this information about your conversion calls into AdWords. AdWords then matches the call info in your file with the calls tracked through your AdWords conversion action.
(4) You can now see which of your campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords are leading to calls that include sales or other conversions.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Google Search Console bug sends re-verification notifications to users

Google had a bug with their Search Console platform, where it sent out reverification email notifications to many users.The issue was that the verification method became invalid for a large number of sites in Google Search Console, and then Google had to reverify those sites. So during that process, it resent verification notifications to those users.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Facebook Dark Post

Facebook dark posts are News Feed style ads that don’t publish to your Timeline or in your fans’ feeds organically. A dark post doesn’t have to just be a status update; currently, #Facebook supports status updates, photos, videos, links or an Offer.

Use Of Facebook Dark Posts

Generally speaking, dark posts are a good way to advertise without alienating or annoying your followers. More specifically, dark posts offer four major benefits:
  1. You can get hyper-targeted. With the ability to create as many ads as you want without spamming your followers, you can create hyper-targeted ads for every segment.
  2. You can do A/B testing. For example, you might change the image, headline, body copy or call-to-action button, or change several of these components for more variety. Use this to determine which variations have the highest click-through rates. The higher the CTR, the more money you’ll save on cost-per-click campaigns.
  3. You guide your organic traffic better. Because you can see if certain images or headlines work better, A/B testing enables you to use paid social ads to guide your organic social strategy. Once you’ve determined which combinations perform the best, apply them to your organic posts for better reach and engagement.
  4. You avoid ad-only streams. Ad-only Facebook streams are not only aggressive, but they tend to push away your audience. Facebook dark posts are niche and hyper-sensitive so you don’t blast the same CTAs to everyone through your feed.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Facebook Like button

Facebook Like has a new look. The Like button, which is embedded on millions of web pages, is getting the “f” out and replacing it with the familiar thumbs up icon. The #Like count will appear within the new blue button.