
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Important factors for SEO


After doing industry, competitor, and keyword research the first phase of an SEO campaign is the on-site optimization phase. This process to make changes to the actual website that will attract both search engine spiders and the users. A website that is properly optimized for relevant keywords will be positioned better in the search engines and generates more traffic to the website.  The important factors for SEO,


A web page URL should be descriptive of the content on the page and include targeted keywords. It should be short and easy to remember for usability purposes.

How many URLs have you seen that look like this:

It also has no SEO value.

Change URLs to something like
 This is more memorable, includes keywords, and is understood by the search engines.Changing URLs, be sure to 301 redirect from the old one!

Internal Linking

Inbound linking from external sites isn’t the only linking that matters for SEO. A clean internal linking structure from one page of your site to the next allows the search engine spiders to easily crawl your site and it makes it much easier for visitors to navigate the site and find what they are looking for. Websites are only successful if visitors convert, so set your visitors down a predetermined path of conversion.

Image Tags

The search engine spiders can’t “see” an image. If you don’t include an image tag, they don’t know what it’s about. Include image tags with keywords if possible if it is related to the keyword. This is one additional place to get some keywords in and is beneficial for those using screen readers.

Page Load Time

Page load time is one factor that the search engines consider when determining rank. The search engines want to provide their users with the best possible results. If your site takes more than a few seconds to load, a visitor will get frustrated, and head back to the search engine to try again. If you find that your page load time is more than a few seconds, spend some time trying to figure out what the cause is and remedy the situation.

For more information about SEO,

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