
Friday, October 26, 2012

Most Important Online Marketing Tactics

Below are what I believe are the most important online marketing tactics for any small business. Focus on these actions before trying the chase this week’s new, new thing.
1. Research and revisit a catalog of keyword topics
Your entire content strategy should be informed by a catalog ofthemes and topics you visit and revisit in a predictable manner.
2. Produce content people will share
Once you’ve developed a plan for the topics you intend to cover on a frequent basis, you must learn how to produce content that people want to share.
The most important element is value. Value is generally found in showing people how to do something they want to do, where to find resources that can make their life easier and providing insight into an industry challenge or trend.
3. Use social networks to enhance email and attract links
Turn to social networks as a way to create awareness for your content and network for links. Share other people’s content as a way to increase value and attract links. Amplify your best content as a way to build your email list.
4. Claim vast amounts of real estate
Go out there and build your Google+, Facebook and LinkedIn profiles, even if you have no time or plan to build large followings. Create YouTube, Slideshare and Picassa profiles. Claim and enhance your Google+Local, Yahoo and Bing Local profiles.
5. Drive leads to landing pages
You must embrace the use of landing pages for all of you advertising, email marketing and social outreach
6. Split test as much as you can
Testing is often an after thought and that’s a shame. Businesses that get in the habit of testing everything, right from the beginning, have such a competitive advantage over those that leave everything to chance.
7. Use funnels to measure and drive conversion
Google Analytics allows you to build funnels that match your paths and score and analyze each phase of the funnel so that you can understand not only the impact of each element, but your entire conversion system.


jay jain said...

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