
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Basic SEO Techniques

Optimize your Title Tag
Every page on your website should have its own unique title tag. the length of the title tag is no more than 70 characters (including spaces).Be both intriguing and informative enough to prompt search engine users to click through to your page (as title tags are typically used in the snipped displayed in the natural search results).

Create compelling meta descriptions
Along with your title tags, the section of every page on your website should contain a customized meta description.These short page summaries should not be more than 150-160 characters long and should include at least one mention of your page’s target keyword phrase.

Utilize keyword-rich headings
When it comes to your pages body text, one of the best things you can do to improve your overall SEO value is to include <h2> and heading tags containing your target keyword phrases in your content.

Add ALT tags to your images
The content found in the ALT tag field is also important when it comes to SEO.Use your ALT tags to clearly and accurately describe your website’s images, working in keyword phrases as they occur naturally.

Create a sitemap
One of the best things you can do to help the spiders index your website is to create a sitemap – a page listing links to all the other pages on your site. There are plenty of different automated tools that can generate these important pages for you, though you can always create a sitemap by hand if your site is small.

Build internal links between pages
Another way to help the search engine spiders to catalogue all of your site’s pages is to create internal links that connect your different pieces of content.

Update your site regularly
You will want to implement is to update your site periodically. Because the search engines’ top priority is serving up the results that will best meet their users’ needs, they prefer to share websites that contain the latest, most up-to-date information. In addition, the more content you post to your site, the more keywords your website will include – increasing your odds of generating search engine traffic.

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