
Friday, June 13, 2014

Facebook gives users the tools to remove ads based on topic

Facebook is about to launch a new ad preferences tool that will allow users to block ads by excluding specific topics. They say this will makes ads “better” because the viewer will have control over what they see and what they don’t. They say they’re making this option available because “soon” they won’t just be monitoring what you do on Facebook, they’ll also be including data from “some of the websites and apps you use.”

FB Ad Choices

When you see an ad you don’t like, click on it to get an option menu:
From here, you can choose “Why am I seeing this?”  This leads you to another screen with a long explanation about how you did things related to (INSERT TOPIC) on Facebook and so now we assume you like things related to (INSERT SAME TOPIC). If you don’t really like (INSERT SAME TOPIC) and you hit those pages by accident or have decided that you’re no longer into (INSERT SAME TOPIC) you can remove this topic from your ad preference list and we won’t show you these ads again. . . probably. . . maybe.

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